Caffeine is a quick pick-me-up for many people. While it can improve your concentration and provide additional energy, daily use causes it to be less effective over time. Plus, habitual caffeine use can actually disrupt your sleep, even if you had it earlier in the day.

Excessive caffeine consumption can lead to adverse reactions:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dehydration
  • Dizziness

If you are a habitual user of caffeine, you may experience withdrawal symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Depressed mood
  • Drowsiness
  • Irritability

Caffeine on a limited and properly timed basis may be useful in the management of specific circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders. It can enhance alertness during the night shift for people with shift work disorder and may improve alertness and reduce sleepiness in people who have jet lag. Avoid caffeine late in the day or in the evening and try to reserve its use for when you genuinely need an extra boost of alertness.

American Academy of Sleep Medicine (